DECODE Whitepaper v1.0
Denis Roio Francesca Bria James Barritt
Jaap-Henk Hoepman Mark de Villiers Priya Samuel
George Danezis Tom Demeyer Shehar Bano Oleguer Sagarra
Monday, 29 January, 2018
Today’s Internet and digital platforms are becoming increasingly centralised, slow-
ing innovation and challenging their potential to revolutionise society and the economy
in a pluralistic manner. The DECODE project will develop practical alternatives,
through the creation, evaluation and demonstration of a distributed and open archi-
tecture for managing online access and aggregation of private information to allow a
citizen-friendly and privacy-aware governance of access entitlements. Strong ethical
and digital rights principles are at the base of DECODE’s mission, moving towards
the implementation of open standards for a technical architecture resting on the use
of Attribute Based Cryptography, distributed ledgers, a secure operating system and
a privacy focused smart rules language.
Abbreviations 4
Outline 6
Introduction to DECODE 6
What is DECODE and why is it important? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
The goals of DECODE: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
History and current state of the art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Architectural principles 9
Free and open source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Modularity and interoperability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Reuse don’t re-invent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Decentralisation and federation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Privacy by design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Privacy design strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
User friendliness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Conceptual foundations 12
Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Identity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Attribute provenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Attribute verification with ABC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Entitlements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Entitlement policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Implementation (access control) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Distributed ledger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Querying the ledger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Operating system architecture 28
Process separation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Privilege escalation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Security implications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Technical implications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Political implications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Application modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Smart-rules engine 33
Language Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Syntax-Directed Translation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Satisfiability Modulo theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
DECODE architecture 36
Data storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Validating Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Wallets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
User experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
The ledger implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Chainspace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Alternatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Smart rules engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Operating system architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Hardware Hubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Keys and smart cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
IoT connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
DECODE applications 46
What is a DECODE application? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Example - participatory democracy through petitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Example - participatory citizen sensing (IoT entitlements) . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Example - peer to peer identity and reputation verification . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Example - digital commons and open data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Conclusion 52
DECODE Glossary 53
Bibliography 58
2FA - 2 Factor Authentication
3FA - 3 Factor Authentication
ABC - Attribute Based Credentials
ABE - Attribute Based Encryption
AI - Artificial Intelligence
AWS - Amazon Web Service
BFT - Byzantine Fault Tolerance
BLE - Bluetooth Low Energy
CRUD - Create Read Update Delete
DECODE - DEcentralised Citizen-owned Data Ecosystems
DRM - Digital rights management
EA - Early Access
ELF - Executable and Linking Format
EVM - Ethereum Virtual Machine
FST - Flying STone
GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation
GNU - GNU’s not Unix
HMPO - Her Majesty’s Passport office
ICT - Information and Communications Technology
IP - Internet Protocol
IPFS - InterPlanetary File System
IRMA - I Reveal My Attributes
IoT - Internet of Things
JSON - JavaScript Object Notation
JSON-LD - JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data
JWT - Json Web Token
NGO - Non-governmental organization
OCR - Optical Character Recognition
OS - Operating System
OSHWA - Open Source Hardware Association
PbD - Privacy by Design
POSIX - Portable Operating System Interface
RBAC - Role Based Access Control
RFID - Radio-frequency IDentification
SDK - Software Development Kit
SNARK - Succinct Non-interactive ARgument of Knowledge
SSO - Single Sign On
URN - Uniform Resource Name
U2F - Universal 2nd Factor
XML - Extensible Markup Language
ZK - Zero Knowledge
This document describes the design of the DECODE ( architec-
It provides an overview of what DECODE is, why it is important and how it relates to the
landscape of decentralised applications. It reviews the conceptual foundations on which
it is built and how they combine to achieve its purpose. It describes at a high level the
core components of the architecture and what role they play and finishes with illustrative
examples of how it can be applied in the real world.
Introduction to DECODE
What is DECODE and why is it important?
DECODE (DEcentralised Citizen-owned Data Ecosystems) is an experimental project to
enable practical alternatives to how we manage our personal data and interact on the
internet. DECODE will develop technology that puts people in control of their personal
data, giving them the ability to decide how it is shared.(Tom Symons, 2017) The current
models of data sharing enable service providers to collect citizens’ data in exchange for
services. Given the high value of this data to service providers, a vast number of them
appropriate data to create value without providing people with a comparable compensation.
DECODE focuses research and development effort on novel notions of trust and privacy
that can be operationalised in new governance frameworks, and innovative economic models
based on digital commons. The digital commons are a form of commons involving the
distribution and communal ownership of informational resources and technology (Fuster
Morell, 2014). Resources are typically designed to be used by the community by which
they are created. In particular, the distinction between digital commons and other digital
resources is that the community of people building them can intervene in the governing of
their interaction processes and of their shared resources (Eleonora Bassi, 2017).
In DECODE, Entitlements attached to private data will be searchable in the public domain
but will grant access only to those parties that have the entitlement to access it. This novel
concept of data rights and entitlements also applies to data being sent to or consumed by
connected IoT objects in order to perform actions on the real world, allowing citizens to
manage and control their devices and the data they generate.
DECODE enables participants to choose who they share their data with and what data is
being shared with the recipient. The aim of DECODE is to provide state of the art tools
to give people better control of their data on the internet. The project will contribute
to enabling a free and open digital commons into which people can share their data in a
secure and anonymous way. This will mean that all of society can benefit from the insights
that can be gained from data.
The project will develop and test a free, open source, distributed, privacy aware, and
trusted technology architecture for decentralised data governance and identity management.
(Symons, 2017)
Figure 1: Digital commons
The goals of DECODE:
We identify the following key goals for DECODE:
allow participants to manage access to their private data, by granting and revoke
access through entitlements
allow operators to write smart rules sign them and get the authorisation to run them
allow smart rules to access private data based on entitlements and matched attributes
allow everyone to record entitlements on a distributed ledger whose integrity is resilient
and verifiable
History and current state of the art
Decentralised technology ecosystems have been around for decades, and more recently
there has been an explosion of decentralised platforms powering the rise of cryptocurrencies.
In 2008-09, Satoshi Nakamoto implemented the first decentralised currency combining
advancements in public key cryptography with a consensus algorithm widely known as
“proof of work”. This was a breakthrough in building a completely decentralised ecosystem
that was centred around the transfer of ‘assets’ from one individual to another. Since then,
there have been several advancements in using blockchain for creating both fungible and
non-fungible assets.
Ethereum (Buterin, n.d.) provides a blockchain implementation that can be used to
encode arbitrary state transitions, enabling it to be used as a decentralised ‘back-end’
for applications. Ethereum takes the very specific distributed application of bitcoin and
generalises it to provide a massively decentralised computing infrastructure. Nodes in
the network execute decentralised applications via “Smart Contracts” and record the
state transitions on a public blockchain. These smart contracts are executed through a
computing virtual machine called the “Ethereum Virtual Machine” (EVM).
Monax (published on the hyperledger project as Burrow) is an open platform for developers
to build, ship, and run blockchain-based applications. It provides an abstraction over the
underlying ledger techology and by default includes the Tendermint ledger engine and the
Ethereum Virtual Machine. Tendermint have also released a combination of these called
Ethermint which effectively allows ethereum applications to run on Tendermint. Public
ledgers such as Ethereum are both anonymous and permissionless systems, i.e any user
can run validating nodes, and the inherent nature of the cryptography that is the basis for
mining determines that an attacker would need to control more than 50% of the network.
The decentralised and distributed nature of the network combined with the cost of proof
of work, forms the basis of its trust model.
Identity on the internet has evolved from being implemented as centralised silos to federated
identity models. Federated identity enables single sign on available across several large
service provider platforms. Service providers continue to be data controllers, in both
centralised and federated models. Sovrin (Drummond Reed, 2016) is a blockchain based
identity platform, providing the user control, security, and portability.
DECODE is an evolution of the concept of decentralised systems which leverages state
of the art cryptographic techniques such as Distributed Ledgers and Attribute Based
Credentials to build a system that provides its Participants the capability to store data
securely, give control and transparency over with whom and for what purpose data is
shared and transact with other participants or organisations.
At a high level we can describe DECODE as being composed of the following:
a set of specifications for distributed ledgers to support decode
a free and open source reference implementation of a distributed ledger
a smart rule language that can be translated and graphically represented
a GNU/Linux based operating system that can execute signed smart rule applications
the documentation needed for operators to write and deploy smart rules that request
access to private data
an intuitive graphical interface for participants to allow smart rules to access their
private data
an ontology of attributes for private data that is aggregated by operators
an attribute based cryptographic implementation that can grant access to data
Architectural principles
DECODE is composed of both hardware and software components - each component will
adhere to the core architectural principles described below. The underlying philosophy
adopted is that of the Unix philosophy (Raymond, 2003) following key principles of modu-
larity, clarity, composition, separation, simplicity, parsimony, transparency, robustness,
representation and least surprise.
Free and open source
All work produced by DECODE will be published as free and open source according to
licenses approved by the Free Software Foundation Europe and emerging open hardware
standards. The openness of the platform will enable innovation and citizen participation.
DECODE adopts free software, however free software projects cannot be entirely considered
as digital commons. As a matter of fact, writing a code and publishing it with a free
license are not sufficient conditions in order to realize a free software. There are other
necessary conditions, among them:
the reputation inside the community
the adoption of the good practices diffused in the community (for instance public
repository, - continuous free upgrading, an efficient system of bugtrack and feedback
the quality of the code, including its documentation to allow understanding of the
the software’s coverage, as the presence of automatic tests for evaluating the absence
of bug on high percentages in the written code. (Eleonora Bassi, 2017)
Modularity and interoperability
Adopting the key unix principle of modularity (simple parts connected by clean interface),
enables building independent components which can be reused and combined to form a
flexible eco-system of software products. DECODE will develop modular privacy-aware
tools and libraries that integrate with the operating system backed by a state of the art
blockchain infrastructure supporting smart contracts and privacy protections.
DECODE will adopts a layered architecture, with components that build on top of each
other. As opposed to building privacy aware applications solely in the application layer
(layer 7) of the Operating System, privacy will be built into the lower layers as well, such
as transport, network and data-link layers.
Reuse don’t re-invent
DECODE aims to be built upon the solid foundations of existing well proven software
wherever appropriate. For example, “DECODE OS” is based on the well known and solid
Debian OS.
Decentralisation and federation
The current era in technology has seen a shift from large monolithic systems to distributed
decentralised systems, this is to meet the requirements of system - scaling, resilience and
fault tolerance but also provides for decentralised governance models. DECODE builds
upon decentralised models for data and identity management.
Privacy by design
DECODE aims to develop a privacy preserving data distribution platform to foster
commons-based sharing economy models, where citizens own and control their data. This
asks for a privacy by design based approach, for which the concept of privacy design
strategies have recently been developed.(Jaap-Henk Hoepman, 2017)
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), as well as other data protection or
privacy protection laws and regulations, define data protection in legal terms. These terms
are soft, open to interpretation, and highly dependent on context. Because of this inherent
vagueness, engineers find such legal requirements hard to understand and interpret. The
GDPR also mandates privacy by design, without describing clearly what this means
exactly, let alone giving concrete guidelines on how to go about implementing privacy by
design when actually designing a system. Intuitively, privacy design means addressing
privacy concerns throughout the system development lifecycle, from the conception of a
system, through its design and implementation, proceeding through its deployment all
the way to the decommissioning of the system many years later. In terms of software
engineering, privacy is a quality attribute, like security, or performance. To make privacy
by design concrete, the soft legal norms need to be translated into more concrete design
requirements that engineers understand. This is achieved using privacy design strategies.
Software can however enable or hinder an organisation in achieving GDPR compliance.
As DECODE is designed with privacy in mind from the ground up it naturally affords a
good foundation DECODE will provide transparency for participants about exactly where
their data is and with whom it has been shared which will also enable GDPR compliance.
Further, many of the privacy by design principles will correlate with needs of GDPR
compliance, for example right to be forgotten.
Privacy design strategies
As described in (Michael Colesky, 2016) a privacy design strategy specifies a distinct
architectural goal in privacy by design to achieve a certain level of privacy protection.
It is noted that this is different from what is understood to be an architectural strategy
within the software engineering domain. Instead our strategies can be seen as goals of the
privacy protection quality attribute (where a quality attribute is a term from software
engineering describing non-functional requirements like performance, security, and also
privacy). In the description of privacy design strategies we frequently refer to processing of
personal data. Engineers should be aware that the legal concept of processing is broader
than what a typical engineer understands processing to mean. In what follows we use the
legal interpretation of processing, which includes creating, collecting, storing, sharing and
deleting personal data.
The eight PbD principles proposed for DECODE are:
(1) Minimise: Limit the processing of personal data as much as possible.
Separate: Prevent correlation of personal data by separating the processing logically
or physically.
Abstract: Limit as much as possible the amount of detail of personal data being
Hide: protect personal data, or make them unlinkable or unobservable. Prevent
personal data becoming public. Prevent exposure of personal data by restricting
access, or hiding its very existence.
Inform: provide data subjects with adequate information about which personal data
is processed, how it is processed, and for what purpose.
Control: provide data subjects mechanisms to control the processing of their personal
Enforce: commit to a privacy friendly way of processing personal data, and enforce
Demonstrate: provide evidence that you process personal data in a privacy friendly
User friendliness
Building user-friendly tools and applications for end-users, and app developers for easy
adoption is a core principle for DECODE. Using an outside in lean approach, where
requirements from users’ are researched and analysed, and prototypes are tested on target
community groups will allow DECODE to develop open, interactive and user friendly
Conceptual foundations
This section describes the foundational concepts that are combined to achieve the purpose
DECODE is built upon several foundations:
Decentralisation of trust
A distributed ledger
Zero knowledge proofs
Attribute Based Cryptography
Cryptographically verifiable entitlements
A “Smart Rules” language to express governance of participants data
A highly verifiable and controlled execution environment
A key concept behind DECODE is to build a system which aims towards a model of
decentralised trust. This means that as much as possible, the control over the system
should not be in the hands of a small number of entities over whom the participants of
the system have no influence or recourse. For example, even though Bitcoin began life as
a model for decentralisation, the current state is that the hash power is controlled by a
few large mining pools. DECODE will seek to explore alternative, decentralised models
and economic incentives (See section on Distributed Ledgers).
A distributed ledger with decentralised governance provides a public, resilient, tamper-
resistant and censorship resistant record which allows any party to be able to verify some
“fact” recorded within it. This verification is demonstrable through the use of cryptography.
The public nature of the ledger is in tension with a desire to maintain the privacy of the
participants of the network. DECODE applies the concept of Zero knowledge proofs to
allow the cryptographic proof of a transaction to be recorded in the ledger without needing
to publicly record the data within the transaction itself.
In addition to the participant’s transactional data, a key element of privacy is to allow
a strong control over data which is directly related to Identity. In DECODE all data is
represented as Attributes. DECODE takes an approach to identity which states that what
a participant discloses about their identity should only be related to the minimum transfer
of information required for a particular interaction. Further, this transfer of information
should occur through a privacy preserving mechanism.
The cryptographic implementation of this mechanism is Attribute Based Credentials. This
mechanism allows a participant to prove something about themselves without transferring
any other identifying information to the relying party (The entity that requires proof).
Underlying this selective disclosure mechanism is often a Zero knowledge protocol to
allow for multi-show unlinkability. For example a participant can cryptographically prove
their residency of a particular city without exposing sensitive information such as data
of birth, national Id number, or the actual address. This mechanism can also be used to
provide strong guarantees about authenticity of an interaction whilst preserving a level of
individual anonymity, particularly relevant for scenarios of participatory democracy.
Building on its verifiable public record and privacy preserving cryptography and design,
DECODE adds a mechanism for participants to declare and enforce agreements about how
their data is consumed. DECODE refers to this mechanism as the entitlements a participant
agrees to over their data. These entitlements are cryptographically verifiable and can be
extended to be cryptographically enforceable through Attribute Based Encryption.
We can extend this data sharing capability to datasets for wide sharing - for example we
can consider individual contributions to an aggregate dataset. This is often called the
Digital Commons (Eleonora Bassi, 2017).
Based on the principle of User Friendliness, giving participants access to a means to express
and understand these entitlements is a further aim of DECODE, which is expressed through
the development of a Smart Rules language and user interface.
Finally, DECODE considers the full technology stack within which all of the above founda-
tions executes. This includes the underlying hardware platforms Hub and the Operating
System on which the software executes. DECODE terms this the controlled execution
environment and explores ways to provide assurance, transparency and reproducibility of
the execution environment.
Each of these conceptual building blocks are explored within the following sections which
should provide the basics required to understand how the implementation functions. Each
of the topics is a deep area of study in its own right so we provide references to allow
further exploration.
A fundamental concept within DECODE is that all data is represented by
described below. This allows us to build a conceptual model of how DECODE fulfils its
To describe how data (hereafter
) is produced and consumed we first specify
the entities and roles within the DECODE ecosystem. That is, the set of systems, people
and organisations that in combination fulfil the purpose of DECODE.
Real world entities that play a defined role in the DECODE ecosystem are:
Individual citizens
Public authorities
NGO and civic society organizations
Within DECODE we define several roles that these individuals or organisations play within
the ecosystem.
Attribute Verifier
Node Host
Participants represent the end consumers of DECODE - in this role an entity is storing
data and interacting with applications. Applications are operated by operators who are
entities that code and maintain applications that run in the DECODE ecosystem. Attribute
verifiers are entities which have the ability to verify claims associated with a particular
attribute, and provide cryptographic evidence of the claim. For example a public authority
can verify that a participant is a resident of a particular city or country. Node hosts are
members of the DECODE ecosystem who operate the underlying infrastructure of the
DECODE network. Most commonly they will be hosting and running the nodes within
the network, but may also run specialised services such as meta data services or online
wallet services.
All interactions within DECODE are cryptographically linked back to an Account. In
its most basic form this can be thought of as a public / private key pair. In effect the
controller of an account will own a private key and therefore there is some cryptographic
evidence that this control can be demonstrated. This is common to all distributed ledger
systems. As with these, it makes the security of the private keys a prime concern.
Applications within DECODE are subject themselves to a high degree of verification and
transparency. All applications must be transparent about what attributes they wish to
access / manipulate for a Participant. We refer to this set of attributes as a Profile.
A key concept to understand about DECODE is that attributes are strongly linked to
applications. This provides a level of control and traceability over the system. It says
that attributes can only be “created” (or “captured”) by applications and that there is a 1
to 1 relationship between attributes and applications. This means that e.g. even if two
applications both capture a First Name, in DECODE these represent separate instances
of attributes.
Creating a structured model around attributes provides a foundation allows us to build
higher level constructs such as Smart Rules and User Experience which make it straight-
forward for Application Developers to produce high integrity, privacy aware Applications
without needing access to highly specialised experts in the field of cryptography. It allows
Participants to have a highly transparent view and control of their data also without the
necessity to become cryptographic and privacy experts themselves. A key principle of
DECODE is “User Friendliness” for both Application developers and participants.
Data items alone provide little value, for example the string “Paris” could mean many
things to many people. In order to be able to make a useful system that can process data,
and in particular provide additional value for the purpose of data privacy and integrity,
DECODE implements a conceptual model that attaches meta-data to an attribute. This
model allows us to make
about attributes. We begin with a basic structure of the
Where the SUBJECT is the entity to which the attribute relates (in DECODE terms, the
account), the PREDICATE describes the relationship between the SUBJECT and the
OBJECT and the OBJECT is the value of the attribute.
Thus we might say (e.g. in JSON):
locality : [" decode - account :543232" ,
" schema : addressLo cality ", " Paris "]
^ ^ ^
| | |
where schema and decode-account are URNs. schema expands to
This already provides a lot of value. However DECODE adds two further concepts to the
Figure 2: Key conceptual terminology and relationships
PROVENANCE provides traceable evidence to support the claim we are making. This
evidence currently consists of two parts, the source of the attribute, by which we mean
the application which captured it or generated it, and optionally one or more verification
elements which are links to a cryptographic demonstration of that attribute. In our
example this would be an Attribute Based Credential issued by the city authority of Paris
associated with the private key of the account.
SCOPE relates to the agreement that is made between the application and the owner of
the attribute (usually the Participant), in terms of entitlement. In DECODE terms, this
is a link to an entitlement policy.
One element of attributes that is still under consideration and review is the lifespan of
an attribute, or the time frame within which it exists. It is possible that attributes have
an expiry and certain that attributes are dynamic with respect to time. For example I
may move house and unavoidably become older with the passing of time. The thinking
so far in these areas tends towards representing data as append only, immutable event
streams. That is to say that you never “overwrite” or “mutate” an attribute, only add a
new instance that represents the new value. The most common reference model to think
about this is your bank account, consisting of a set of debits and credits. You can’t go
back and “undo” a withdrawal, but you can make a compensating transaction and make a
deposit of the same amount which in real terms ends at the same outcome.
Identity within DECODE inverts the current world position whereby participants know
little about the operators of the services they are registered with but the services know
everything about the identity of the participants. “Vendor relationship management” so
to speak; where the vendors are DECODE-enabled applications. In DECODE, the focus
is on strengthening the position of the participant in terms if understanding exactly what
organisations are operating applications and what those applications are doing with the
participants’ data.
The identity of the participants is irrelevant to the DECODE system, and
also to the applications that run in the DECODE ecosystem. What is relevant are the
attributes that are related to the participants. We would go as far as to say that identity
is a concept not needed at all. In the real world we live and act in many different contexts,
these activities and the relations in those contexts each define a perspective on who we
“really” are. There is overlap, sure, but there is no context in which
aspects of us are
relevant. So, what is our identity?
There are three options:
1. identity is what we think we are (i.e. self)
2. It is how the state defines us, typically through a number or code assigned at birth
3. It is the combination of all perspectives from all contexts combined
In the DECODE ecosystem we will keep the diverse and subtle ways of addressing aspects
of our lives and selves in different (online, digital) contexts, and leverage the capacity
of the medium to improve upon this in a privacy enhancing fashion. When thinking of
identity in this ecosystem, option one, above, is irrelevant, and option three is fine in an
abstract way, but fraught with privacy issues when it would be possible to address and
use practically. That leaves the extremely narrow definition of the government assigned
civic number. Apart from the issue that people exist without such numbers, this is just a
single attribute of a person, at best a strictly formal (or legal) definition of identity, but
missing out on just about everything we are.
Better to avoid discussion and confusion and
to use the word identity at all, and talk
about different collections of attributes, relevant in different (online, or even DECODE-
supported offline) contexts (or applications).
Let’s call such a collection a profile for now.
In the end we are talking about physical people (AI’s with civil rights are a ways off), even
when assigning attributes that are purely abstract, or are transferable, these are about, or
related to a person. This person is represented in the DECODE ecosystem as a profile,
not uniquely
. One physical person will have control of the data related to multiple
profile. These may overlap (in the values of certain attributes), or may not.
These profiles aren’t entities in the DECODE system, they are a way of talking about
application-defined collections of attributes. Profiles are the subject of
even when, for instance, the only attribute needed for the online alcohol-buying app is the
age, that app would, in its use,
a profile with an age, and nothing else at all. For
the sake of argument we leave out practicalities as payment, and the address to send the
purchase to.
The connection to the real person in the real world is through a DECODE account that
the person will authenticate against in order to interact with DECODE applications. This
account is not part of the DECODE data that these applications have anything to do
with, although the authentication app or apps (multiple means of authentication) could
be seen as a special kind of DECODE enabled applications.
Authentication usually involves a participant providing various personally identifying facts
to a system such as date of birth, passport id / driving licence number, potentially with
additional offline checks and questions of the participant. For example in signing up to the
UK’s Verify you register with a federated identity provider (e.g. The Post Office).
The post office has a mobile app that can capture images of your passport, OCR the details
and confirm them against the HMPO (Her Majesty’s Passport office) and then takes a
photo using the phone camera in order to compare against the photo on the passport.
A participant demonstrates control of these
through some cryptographic means
(essentially by holding a private key). This private key may be embedded on a physical
device that the participant owns, such as a Ubikey or Smart Card issued by a civic
authority. In the case of a device issued by an authority it may also contain attributes of
interest to other DECODE applications, such as the fact that one lives in a particular city.
These attributes, when stored, record the provenance and the semantic meaning of the
relation in their URN, and can so be “officially verified” attributes that certain applications
may require (such as voting in participatory budgeting applications, see below).
Taking this approach to “identity”, also has the benefit of following a privacy by design
principle of only providing the minimum set of information that is absolutely required for
a particular interaction.
Attribute provenance
Accountability of systems
Of course digital systems cannot be held accountable in any legal sense (yet), but we’ll
need to address the fact that consequences of using digital and ‘autonomous’ systems are
no longer as pre-cooked as they once were.
No longer is it guaranteed that the mechanisms and processes though which technology
interacts with the world are clear and understandable, even to the engineers who build the
systems; the bias in the training data is invisibly and irretrievably encoded in the trained
models. This means that technology needs to be able to be held accountable in itself, not
only through the people running it or the engineers building it. In order to enable this,
accountability needs to be designed into the systems, needs to be part of the systems, and
thus, in a certain sense, systems need to be able to reflect on their actions; at least in
response to queries.
Data transparency
Taking stock of this accountability design challenge leads us to a couple of preconditions
to a possible solution or implementation. One of the most important of these, especially
in a DECODE context, is
data transparency
. What type of data was used, where,
when and for what purpose was this data collected? In a system for data management
(such as DECODE) the relevant metadata needs to be recorded and made available when
needed, either directly to the user in response to queries, or to aggregation algorithms
that produce data that itself needs to be able to provide an account of its provenance.
The accountability mechanisms may not be part of DECODE, the data formats needed to
make them possible are.
In DECODE the provenance metadata is provided through the application. When a
participant stores some data in a DECODE-enabled system, the participant
this through an application. Similarly, the application may generate data on behalf of the
participant and store it (or a link to it) through DECODE. The data recorded or stored
always has the relationship recorded that it comes from this particular application (The
Attribute verification with ABC
In order to provide a stronger assertion about the
of attributes in DECODE,
we incorporate the cryptographic mechanism of Attribute Based Credentials (ABC)
An attribute in this case is any indivisible piece of personal information that can
be described by a bit-string, such as an identifier, a qualification or a property
of an entity. (Alpar, 2015)
Informally, an Attribute-Based Credential (ABC) is a cryptographic container of
attributes that can provide security assurances for all participants in the system.
(Alpar, 2015)
For example, when selling a bottle of wine, a vendor has to verify that their customer is
over the age of 18. The customer shows their credential; an identity card issued by the
government, to convey the information ‘date of birth’ to the shop owner, in order to prove
that they have the attribute ‘being over the age of 18’. ABCs provide a cryptographic way
to authenticate using selectively disclosed personal attributes. This means that in the
above example, we can use an ABC credential to convey just the property of ‘being over
the age of 18’, without revealing any of the other attributes in our credential, and even
without linking this event to previous interactions.
A different example, proves the usefulness when attempting to digitise a membership
Classically, a library card allows a member to borrow a book. This credential reveals
no more information about the borrower than their membership of the library. When
building a digital library card system, it is difficult to verify active membership without
cross-referencing the card with a list of authorised members. ABCs allow the showing of a
membership credential, without having to check the list of authorised members. In addition
it can provide multi-show un-linkability of the credential showings, which prevents them
from leaking information about the specific member through logging of the interactions.
There are three parties involved in the use of ABCs: the Issuer of the credential, the user
or Owner of the credential (in DECODE terms, the Participant, and the party that wishes
to verify a credential (Relying Party).
The proposed model for ABCs in DECODE is based on Idemix (Jan Camenisch, 2001)
(IBM Research, n.d.), since the DECODE implementation requires multiple verifications
of non-identifying credentials to be unlinkable. A tested implementation of ABCs is IRMA
by the Privacy by Design Foundation. Credentials can be part of a claim.
So how are claims actually verified in the first place? In the example, the entity responsible
for verification would be the city of Barcelona. This could be a physical process, or could
be done online (as in the Dutch DigiD mechanism), and involves some exchange between
Figure 3: User requests a credential
Figure 4: User presents credential
the city and the individual. The result of this exchange would be a cryptographic token,
signed by the city, which, invoked with a specific smart rule would result in an attribute
with verified provenance and value being set in the DECODE platform. This whole process
could take place through a website which is run by the city of Barcelona (and thus is a
DECODE enabled application). Required will be a mechanism by which the DECODE
network can
the public key of the city of Barcelona, i.e. there will need to be a
registration protocol to establish this trust.
ABCs could provide both the trust mechanism for externally verified attributes, and the
initial cryptographic tokens can be produced through a process of proving (possibly in
zero-knowledge) the control of a credential.
The User Journey for this interaction would involve the person authenticating this website
and then creating a “city_of_residence: Barcelona” credential signed with the city’s
private key. In this example there would be a validity time limit on the attribute, a month,
perhaps, within the credential. People move. Because the choice of using applications that
accepts this credential is in the hands of the participant they have strong control of how
this link is used. In a P2P sharing application a different proof-of-residency attribute may
be good enough, for instance.
In order to make it straightforward for developers to build DECODE applications, the
mechanisms for interacting with and validating external or “official” claims will be a core
part of the language that is used to express Smart Rules.
We define two parties in any given data exchange, the
data owner
and the
data con-
. An
is an agreement of disclosure controlled by the
data owner
. A
data entitlement
concerns the sharing of data. In DECODE an
is defined
in a policy and implemented with the application of cryptography.
Entitlement policies
The DECODE architecture is inherently distributed and as such the management of
entitlement policies will need to respond to some well understood challenges :
Challenge of embedded decisions
The entitlement policy for a piece of data would
need to be consistent wherever that data is stored - the data may be sharded or replicated
or both.
Challenge of lack of overview
Distributed entitlement policies make it difficult to
gather and understand policies governing the data.
Challenge of identity integration
A data entitlement system within the context of a
distributed system may need to interface with one of many identity systems.
Challenge of expression
A formal expression of an entitlement policy should have a
rich model of expression.
There are 4 key elements to an entitlement policy :
What attributes are being shared
With whom is the data owner sharing data
For what purpose
Under what
will the data consumer use the data (e.g. https:
What is the timeframe within which this entitlement is valid (Expiry date)
How does the entitlement respond to changes to the value of the attribute
This last point is a subject of further research and exploration - how should an entitlement
be considered when the underlying attribute is superseded. For example, if a participant
provides a new address to the application, does the entitlement automatically apply to the
new address? It may be possible to express such “rules” using the Smart Rules language.
Rather than attempting to build a hierarchical entitlements system by classifying certain
attributes into privacy groups, such as “sensitive, personal, public” DECODE specifies all
entitlements at the granularity of individual attributes.
DECODE defines three possible access levels:
Access level Description
owner-only Subject can see
neither the existence
of this attribute, or its
can-discover Subject can see that
the data item has a
value for this
attribute, but not
what it is
can-access Subject can both see
that the data item has
a value and read that
In most cases, the participants in the system will not be creating the entitlements directly,
they will be interacting with DECODE applications. These applications will have the
ability to declare what entitlements they require and the participants can agree to them,
in much the same way that users can accept authorisation grants using OAuth.
Implementation (access control)
Defining and declaring entitlements is a matter of describing access rules. In order for
these to be useful we require a mechanism to enforce them. In a traditional system we
would simply “trust” that the system has been coded to take account of the entitlement
declaration - for example we might install an authorisation server product to define and
store entitlements and rely on the developers of the system to code appropriate controls
into the system that communicate with the authorisation server.
DECODE moves towards a more decentralised model and ultimately will explore ways in
which both the data and the mechanisms of access control can be decentralised, including
the issuing and verification of credentials.
An intermediate position which provides for low investment integration to existing systems
is to leverage the core foundations of a distributed ledger and attribute credentials to
improve on the more “traditional” access control methods.
The following sections describe both of these scenarios, starting with leveraging crypto-
graphic credentials in a “standard” data access scenario and then expanding on this to
move towards a more decentralised data storage and optimisation of encryption through
Attribute Based Encryption.
The possibility of having completely decentralised credential issuers is currently a research
topic and will be explored as the project progresses. It is imagined that the first scenario
will integrate with the existing applications sooner.
Using ABC as an authorization mechanism
In this scenario, we leverage a “traditional” architecture whereby a central entity stores
data of many people and protects it by means of access control implementations. DECODE
allows for the possibility to be integrated with such systems as the source of authorisation
information. By referring to entitlement policies stored within DECODE, the application
can then accept Attribute Based Credentials presented by users and validate them against
the policy, in order to make an authorisation decision. This model allows for DECODE to
be easily integrated to existing systems whilst still providing state of the art cryptographic
The implementation of this will be based around the Json Web Token (JWT) specification.
Using ABE as an access control mechanism
Evolving the model towards a more decentralised approach, DECODE proposes that
data can be encrypted in order that it can be stored in the open (for example on a
massively distributed file sharing system such as IPFS. A baseline implementation of
this would be simply to encrypt the data with the public key of every user who has the
entitlement. DECODE will explore the use of Attribute Based Encryption (ABE) a state
of the art cryptographic mechanism which is an evolving topic but that has the potential
to significantly reduce the overhead of allowing groups of people cryptographic access to
an encrypted data source.
At a high level, it relates cryptographically an attribute that the participants possess to
the encryption of the data. In one way this can be seen as each participant owning a key
which is unique to them, where the encrypted data can be decrypted by any of the keys.
For example a participant “Charlie” may want to share their monthly energy usage with
other members of their block of flats. Charlie can use ABE to encrypt using the public
key of the attribute “member of block of flats” such that anyone else in the block can
decrypt it. In this model, DECODE enables the owner of the data to enforce the access
control as opposed to relying on a third party as in the previous scenario.
ABE allows users to encode more complex access conditions. For example you can encrypt
a party invite only for your neighbours:
( NOT ('being under the age of 18')AND
'being a resident of my block')
The data can be encrypted in such a way that only
individual agents with those particular set of attributes in their wallet can decrypt the
The main models for ABE come from previous work on ‘Attribute-based Encryption for
Fine-grained Access Control of Encrypted Data’(Goyal et al., 2006) and ‘Ciphertext-Policy
Attribute-Based Encryption’(Bethencourt et al., 2007). Reference implementations are
Figure 5: ‘Data vault’ access control
Figure 6: Attribute based encryption
available, but at the time of writing none have been selected to be supported by DECODE.
The design of DECODE will try to support this method of user controlled access policies.
One of the complexities with ABE is the scheme by which keys are issued. Many existing
schemes rely on a central party to issue and manage keys. DECODE will explore more
decentralised models in this space.
However, if the participants wished to broadcast their data to a larger, but still restricted,
set of users; this method of access control will turn into a key-distribution problem; which
is outside of the scope of the main functionality of DECODE at this stage.
Controlling access to large datasets or streams of data
We require a mechanism for controlling access to either large datasets or streams of data.
Perhaps a participant wishes to publish a dataset including all their movement data from
their phone for the last two months and yet control access to certain attributes.
This is also an ongoing research topic within DECODE.
Potential options are:
Encrypt each data item in the list as above
Separate the data into “columns” ie. each data attribute is becomes an array of
values and these are then encrypted using ABE
Investigate DRM tech for encrypting large streams (e.g. video). Can similar approaches
be applied to user data?
Distributed ledger
Within DECODE, the ledger provides for two characteristics, Integrity and Availability.
This is an important distinction within DECODE. Privacy (or Confidentiality) is not a
core function of the ledger but is rather enabled by its features and design.
In combination with ABC and ABE, DECODE achieves privacy through the core principle
that no private data must be stored on the ledger. Privacy is one of the classic issues
faced by decentralised systems (the other being scalability). For example while Bitcoin
provides some level of anonymity, all nodes have access to all transactions and all the data
within them. The same is true for Ethereum, although it is moving in this direction by
integrating features from ZCash to allow zk-SNARK computations from solidity, in the
upcoming metropolis release. Other ledger implementations are exploring different designs
by which privacy can be obtained, for example R3 Corda.
DECODE puts this principal at the centre of its Privacy by Design strategy. The
cryptographic mechanism by which this is achieved is through Zero Knowledge proofs.
In short these allow a participant to perform an action (transaction) and record a verifiable
proof of that transaction which has no relation to the data used within the transaction.
The proof can be stored quite safely on any number of nodes since it contains no private
data. It is also possible for multiple nodes to validate the transaction and build up a level
of confidence in it (Integrity) and enable redundancy of the proof (Availability).
In practical terms for example, in combination with attribute based cryptography, this
allows for anonymous yet verifiable petitions (see examples section). The resulting petition
has a high degree of integrity because the ledger provides a Byzantine Fault tolerant
replication mechanism and a high degree of Availability because it is decentralised and
Figure 7: Attribute based encryption access control
therefore not under the control of a single party or system. This makes it extremely
resistant to many forms of failure or attack.
In summary the key requirements of a distributed ledger for the purposed of DECODE
Byzantine Fault Tolerance
Decentralised network
Ability to implement contracts that transaction execution from verification via ZK
An environment that allows a higher order language to be created (See Smart Rules)
Ability to scale horizontally
Open source
Querying the ledger
Having a robust and verifiable source of truth for transactions is of little value if applications
cannot make use of the record. To this end, DECODE will provide a query interface over
the ledger which will be a separate capability. This area is still under development and
updates will be provided via. the whitepaper as it evolves.
DECODE recognises two scenarios involving Authentication.
a) Authentication to DECODE wallets and nodes
This is the means by which the participant protects access to their wallet. In its most
basic form this will be the standard option of a password credential.
DECODE also supports and will explore the concepts of more sophisticated authentication,
for example external hardware security devices and leveraging biometric capabilities of
b) The use of decode as a federated authentication provider
It is possible for
to provide a “Login with DECODE” option. In this scenario
the operator would enable an integration whereby the participant would be redirected to
their DECODE wallet, authenticate there as above and then an exchange of application
specific cryptographic credentials would be passed back to the website, allowing them to
be authenticated.
A key principle at work with this scenario is that the operators must themselves be
transparent to the participants. This means in practice that in order to allow login with
DECODE the operator must first register with DECODE and itself be cryptographically
auditable in any actions it takes in the DECODE system.
This raises questions around the governance of the DECODE ecosystem which will be
explored as it is field tested and evolved.
Operating system architecture
The DECODE OS is the base operating system running all software designed, developed
and deployed for the DECODE project. This operating system is based on the renown
Devuan GNU+Linux distribution, a fork of the now 20 years old Debian distribution,
maintained by the foundation and an open community of volunteers. Devuan
forked Debian to preserve the simplicity and minimalism of the SystemV tradition in UNIX
systems, still running modern software applications and inheriting the security patches
from Debian.
The first release of the DECODE OS is made available at the Internet address https://files. and it incudes fully functioning virtual machine images (Vagrant/vbox
and Qcow2/Qemu formats) implementing a base architecture (kernel and base system
tools) to build, run and connect a diverse range of future applications. The DECODE OS is
provided to developers of the DECODE project along with comprehensive documentation
and tools to reproduce its build, benchmark and audit its functioning, as well with a
dashboard for live monitoring.
The primary goal of the DECODE OS can be explained in brief by defining it as a
“controlled execution environment” where, from the making of its base to the execution of
every single application, all steps are recorded on a ledger of events that can be saved,
analysed and shipped along with every instance of the operating system. A secondary goal
of this development is that of making the results of such a recorded sequence of operations
The DECODE OS both as a product but also as a well defined process leading to its
release aims primarily at satisfying the following main objectives:
Adopt free and open source software compliant with any of DECODE’s approved
licenses. Make the source-code of any running software immediately available for
audit. Avoid any dependency from proprietary software.
Rely on widely used, peer-reviewed and stable applications and standards from
GNU/Linux/BSD software traditions for its base functions.
Make the whole building process transparent and auditable, providing schematic
information about all adopted components that can be short and to the point, as well
machine parsable.
Realise a minimal, lean and resource aware operating system running as less processes
as possible, to avoid complexity and to facilitate the controlled execution of micro-
Rely on a continuous-integration infrastructure (see D4.2) able to integrate the
dependencies and applications of DECODE developers with as less friction as possible.
Provide an optimal developer experience by providing two distinct profiles: “-dev” for
development and “-prod” for production use and a way to switch between development
and production that is seamless.
Maintain an exact history of changes made to the OS as well builds triggered, reflected
in the final product and auditable according to a map of liabilities drawn during the
build process.
Integrate benchmarking tools and a live monitoring dashboard to facilitate quality
assurance assessments and the review of resource management under different condi-
tions. Also allow the customisation of the dashboard to include future application
specific indicators.
Target a wide range of hardware architectures and well-established chipset standards,
virtual machines and cloud providers, without requiring any significant change in the
base system, just a different setup of the continuous-integration pipeline.
Refer to well established UNIX standards for the configuration of the system and
process control. Avoid any binary configuration format and adopt as much as possible
input and output formats that can be both read by humans and easily parsed by
Enforce full-spectrum process separation between all different applications running
on the DECODE OS, making it possible to isolate problems and eventually recover
Process separation
DECODE’s implementation of a distributed computational system aims to be solid and fit
for mission critical purposes by leveraging well established standard practices in the UNIX
world. Contrary to the monolithic applications implementing blockchain functionalities
in a single runtime environment running in application space, our implementation of a
“DECODE NODE” (see D1.1) is a controlled execution environment unit for Smart Rules
grafted on the classic concept of a UNIX-like operating system, keeping POSIX.1b and
SystemV compatibilty. This approach brings several advantages:
The system is familiar to system administrators and can be monitored and managed
using existing well known tools. A DECODE NODE is backward compatible with
the vast majority of existing entreprise infrastructure.
Planned and documented integration between application specific functions and the
underlying OS, verticalising the full stack and providing a fully certified environment
for smart rule execution.
The security of the DECODE NODE is granted by means of stable Linux based
access control lists (ACL) and firewalling.
The diagnosis of problems occurring on running nodes is fully compatible with already
established practices of logging, tracing, profiling and debugging processes.
Components can be mixed in a modular fashion, allowing reusal of existing im-
plementations in different roles, including production ready software for network
orchestration, p2p networking, data storage presentation, cryptographic operations
and immutable ledger functions.
Privilege escalation
Intelligence communities use the concept of “need to know” as a way to minimize in-
formation leaks and only grant access to secrets when it is absolutely necessary for the
performance of an agent’s action. In computer security, the same concept can be translated
for privilege escalation: the need for a program to execute actions not normally available
to its calling user. Often used offensively to gain control of a target machine or extract
information, privilege escalation has also legitimate use, for example to enable a desktop
user to perform administrative actions such as rebooting a running system or upgrading
its software packages.
In case of the DECODE privilege model for data access the intention is to maintain defense
in depth by granting the integrity to the underlying operating system in addition to the
cryptographic security model implemented by the application layer, because a node that
is compromised by a rogue process escalating its privileges could anyway jeopardise the
validity of results provided by the smart rules computations happening on it.
In order to avoid such a situation, DECODE adopts a privilege escalation model based
on a hard-coded hash-table that is inscribed into its operating system. The standard
C (POSIX.1b) implementation for this model is called sup, currently maintened by and well known to the security community especially in the context of embedded
development. Its website is visible at
The sup binary runs as root (with suid bit on) to facilitate the privilege escalation needed
to execute certain programs as superuser, for instance to open a listening port below 100,
for a web or an SMTP server. In order to regulate the privilege escalation sup handles a
few conditions to authorize execution, all hard-coded in a static ELF binary.
For the DECODE OS an “allow list” is provided to sup at the time of building the ISO
installers and SD card images, so that running sup application” will escalate the privileges
of application without the need of any password, in case the application is included in
the “allow list”. In order to extend the list of applications allowed to escalate privileges
within the execution environment of the DECODE OS, a new build of it must be provided.
Binaries change their contents across builds that are targeted to different architectures
(i386, amd64, armhf, arm64, etc.) therefore the hashes in the allow list will change for
each targeted build.
The sup binary itself is authenticated by the “root” signature of each DECODE OS which
is shipped along with the ISO or installer or SD card or virtual machine image formats.
The cryptographic signature of DECODE OS verifies all the binaries of the system in their
current state as released, including sup whose unique binary footprint changes at every
change of its privilege escalation hash table. Therefore any change in any binary that can
escalate its privilege via sup will lead to a change in the sup binary itself, which will lead
in a change in the signature of the whole DECODE OS.
This way of authorising the execution of software applications is not only implying that a
particular binary can escalate privileges, but also that a particular build of that program
can. It means that even if the binary is substituted with another one by modifying the
installer image of the DECODE OS, it will not be able to be executed with privileges,
denying the possibility to run effectively counterfeited DECODE OS images, as this check
is combined with the check of a cryptographic signature for the whole OS image.
Security implications
This privilege escalation model improves the overall security of the DECODE OS as a
system where it can be pre-determined what needs to run with privileges, harnessing the
main difference with desktop systems that are interactively configured and whose privilege
model can be changed by users. When this model is used in combination with a security
enhanced Linux kernel, it constitutes a very robust foundation for the realisation of a
secure operating system that executes a predetermined set of computing processes.
DECODE’s privilege escalation model provides overall better security against the breach
of the system integrity, but it cannot be considered a blanket solution for the security
and integrity of the whole DECODE architecture. It is a reasonably strong measure to
insure the integrity of operations at the core of the DECODE OS, granting integrity for
the execution machine.
Technical implications
For the developers involved, DECODE’s privilege escalation model means that every
software application, be it binary compiled or scripted executable, needs to be registered
with its hash inside the OS at build time. To change such an application a whole new
build of the DECODE OS needs to be triggered. This is of course a setting necessary to
produce production ready installers, but it can be de-activated for testing environments.
The other main implication is that each and every program executed with privileges cannot
arbitrarily execute other programs that are configured at runtime. For instance a privileged
process cannot have a variable that can be configured at runtime to call another program.
An exception to this rule can be the implementation of a mechanism to drop privileges
inside the program, which should be throughly reviewed: such implementations exist in C,
however the need for such an exception should be avoided.
Regarding updates, patching a running system would entail a reboot after downloading
a new OS version, which will be distributed in a “squashed” bundle (squashFS). This
wouldn’t mean to reinstall the entire OS, but to download and reboot into a new signed
binary system.
Political implications
The model by which privilege escalation is granted to processes running in the DECODE
OS is intentionally resistant to changes, which need to be implemented and recorded in
the history of revisions before the build process. This model forces a clear negotiation
of privileged process, allowing a debate on such choices that is extended to all technical
stakeholders. The process of privilege escalation should be in fact seen as a political
negotiation about which algorithms are allowed to deal with more delicate parts of the
operating system.
Application modules
Considering a first abstraction of functionalities, mostly resulting from the study of user-
cases and currently adopted pilots in DECODE, it is already possible to envision a set of
modules whose functionalities can be satisfied by a considerable number of stable software
implementations. The following figure shows the functionalities that can be contained
in a DECODE node, each of them can be a different software application running as an
isolated process, whose communication channels can be specified at the time of building the
DECODE OS and cannot modified unless the design of the OS is re-negotiated according
to clear needs and specified patterns.
The modules listed in the figure above are: - Smart Rules language interpreter and
controlled execution environment - Entitlements ACL layer based on attribute based
cryptography - Distributed Blockchain providing an immutable ledger - Data storage
Figure 8: DECODE application modules diagram
(Vault) in different possible formats (Document or Graph) - Peer to Peer Networking
Orchestration System and VPN
The modules listed can be implemented by new software developed by the DECODE
consortium as well as by existing and well established open source standard implementations.
Being this the first release of the DECODE OS it is well out of the scope of this document
to envision which software will satisfy these roles, as well the listed modules may be subject
to further adjustments as new needs and refinements become manifest in the coming
research iterations.
What matters to us now is the fact that there is a clear way to include such SOFTWARE
modules inside a coherent and well documented system built from source and that the
overhead to substitute a module with another implementation is minimum. Each applica-
tion is an installed software package that is ran at startup, whose health is monitored by
the system and whose failure does not propagates to other system components.
This architecture also allows to map the inner architecture of a NODE as well to envision
the possibility to produce different NODES that are tailored ad-hoc to different use-cases.
As a last note, the architecture also includes the possibility to have an optional application
to be ran inside the NODE and interact with some of the components inside it: this is
an opportunity DECODE OS can leverage for special applications requiring intensive
communication with inner components of the DECODE NODE.
Smart-rules engine
The main way to communicate with a DECODE node and operate its functions is via a
language, rather than an API. All read and write operations affecting entitlements and
accessing attributes can be expressed in a smart-rule language, which we intend to design
and develop to become a robust open standard for authorisation around personal data.
The DECODE smart-rule language will aim to naturally avoid complex constructions and
define sets of transformations that can be then easily represented with visual metaphors.
What we call smart-rule language in DECODE is a computable (Sober, 1978) sociolect
(Louwerse, 2004) that can be parsed into a semantic model referred to a finite ontology
and executed by a distributed computing cluster. It is of central importance to grant
participants the access to such a language and clear understanding of what it expresses
and of the consequences of its execution.
The open nature of the smart-rules is extremely important when compared to the popular-
ization of “sharing economies” that apply mostly unknown rules that are opaque to the
participants and undemocratically adjusted by third parties who are not participating in
the economy, but in most cases just profiting from it.
The DECODE project plans the development of a language for “smart-rules” that is not
conceived to stay behind the scenes, but to be understood and modified: this a different
approach to data management rather than CRUD-type interaction, an approach that
is also necessitated by the distributed and write once immutable nature of blockchain
DECODE’s smart-rule language is conceived as a trust framework which is both usable
(can be executed) and expressive (can be understood) to encode smart-rules and contracts
relating to the governance of personal and other data in the DECODE architecture. The
possibility to understand and not only to execute a language is of paramount importance
to allow algorithmic sovereignty (Roio, 2017). Algorithms are law (Lessig, 1999) in their
own specific domain and just as law they must be subject to reviews, critiques and
transformations according to societal needs and techno-political negotiations.
The objective is to achieve compliance with privacy regulations and digital right by
converging them in a usable and expressive integrated approach (crossing the domains of
social, legal, economic and technical modeling) formalised by smart-rules that represent
social contracts and entitlements. The design of the smart-rule language should promote
clarity and avoid ambiguities. The rules should ensure the respect of the decisions of the
data owner (for example, citizens, or the city administration or an organisation processing
data) as well regulations and legal obligations on application providers.
The data management and policy enforcement according to rules is defined by the user inter-
acting directly with rules or with a facilitate abstraction of them, graphically representing
their flow, facilitating progressive level of understanding by all participants.
Arguably, a task-oriented mindset should be assumed when re-designing a new blockchain
language for DECODE. The opportunity for innovating the field lies in abandoning this
approach and instead build an External Domain Specific Language (Fowler, 2010) using
an existing grammar to do the Syntax-Directed Translation. The Semantic Model can be
then a coarse-grained implementation that can sync computations with blockchain based
deterministic conditionals.
Language Security
The research made on “Language-theretical security” should be the underpinning of
DECODE’s smart-rule language. Here below we include a brief explanation condensed
from the information material of the project hosted at IEEE, which is informed
by the collective experience of the exploit development community, since exploitation is
practical exploration of the space of unanticipated state, its prevention or containment.
In a nutshell [. . . ] LangSec is the idea that many security issues can be avoided
by applying a standard process to input processing and protocol design: the
acceptable input to a program should be well-defined (i.e., via a grammar), as
simple as possible (on the Chomsky scale of syntactic complexity), and fully
validated before use (by a dedicated parser of appropriate but not excessive
power in the Chomsky hierarchy of automata). (Momot et al., 2016)
LangSec is a design and programming philosophy that focuses on formally correct and
verifiable input handling throughout all phases of the software development lifecycle.
In doing so, it offers a practical method of assurance of software free from broad and
currently dominant classes of bugs and vulnerabilities related to incorrect parsing and
interpretation of messages between software components (packets, protocol messages, file
formats, function parameters, etc.).
This design and programming paradigm begins with a description of valid inputs to a
program as a formal language (such as a grammar). The purpose of such a disciplined
specification is to cleanly separate the input-handling code and processing code. A LangSec-
compliant design properly transforms input-handling code into a recognizer for the input
language; this recognizer rejects non-conforming inputs and transforms conforming inputs
to structured data (such as an object or a tree structure, ready for type- or value-based
pattern matching). The processing code can then access the structured data (but not the
raw inputs or parsers temporary data artifacts) under a set of assumptions regarding the
accepted inputs that are enforced by the recognizer.
This approach leads to several advantages:
1. produce verifiable recognizers, free of typical classes of ad-hoc parsing bugs
produce verifiable, composable implementations of distributed systems that ensure
equivalent parsing of messages by all components and eliminate exploitable differences
in message interpretation by the elements of a distributed system
mitigate the common risks of ungoverned development by explicitly exposing the
processing dependencies on the parsed input.
As a design philosophy, LangSec focuses on a particular choice of verification trade-offs:
namely, correctness and computational equivalence of input processors.
Syntax-Directed Translation
For the initial design phase the LUA language interpreter is adopted for the syntax-
directed translation of smart-rule language semantics. Lua is an interpreted, cross-platform,
embeddable, performant and low-footprint language whose popularity is on the rise in
the last couple of years. Simple design and efficient usage of resources combined with its
performance make it attractive for production web applications even to big organizations
such as Wikipedia, CloudFlare and GitHub. In addition to this, Lua is one of the preferred
choices for programming embedded and IoT devices. This context allows to assume a
large and growing Lua codebase yet to be assessed. This growing Lua codebase could
be potentially driving production servers and extremely large number of devices, some
perhaps with mission-critical function for example in automotive or home-automation
domains. (Costin, 2017)
Lua solidity has been well tested through a number of public applications including the
adoption by the gaming industry for untrusted language processing in “World of Warcraft”
scripting. It is ideal for implementing an external DSL using C or Python as a host
Lua is also tooled with a working VPL implementation for code visualisation in BLOCKS,
allowing the project to jump-start into an early phase of prototyping DECODE smart-rules
in a visual way and involving directly pilot participants.
Satisfiability Modulo theories
Satisfiability Modulo theories (SMT) is an area of automated deduction that studies
methods for checking the satisfiability of first-order formulas with respect to some logical
theory of interest (Barrett et al., 2009). It differs from general automated deduction
in that the background theory need not be finitely or even first-order axiomatizable,
and specialized inference methods are used for each theory. By being theory-specific
and restricting their language to certain classes of formulas (such as, typically but not
exclusively, quantifier-free formulas), these specialized methods can be implemented in
solvers that are more efficient in practice than general-purpose theorem provers.
While SMT techniques have been traditionally used to support deductive software ver-
ification, they are now finding applications in other areas of computer science such as,
for instance, planning, model checking and automated test generation. Typical theories
of interest in these applications include formalizations of arithmetic, arrays, bit vectors,
algebraic datatypes, equality with uninterpreted functions, and various combinations of
Constraint-satisfaction is crucial to software and hardware verification and static program
analsysis (De Moura and Bjørner, 2011) among the other possible applications.
DECODE will benefit from including SMT capabilities into the design at an early stage:
even if not immediately exploited, their inclusion will keep the horizons for language
development open while permitting its application in mission critical roles.
DECODE architecture
DECODE is at the core a distributed P2P network of “nodes” that together provide data
privacy and integrity services to application developers.
The overall architecture is similar to other distributed ledgers and we have followed familiar
terminology, such as “Wallet”. We describe here the roles and responsibilities of each of
the components and how they work together to achieve our goals.
Data storage
There are three significant types of data which are stored within the DECODE system:
1. Attributes
2. Ledger Transactions
3. IoT Data streams
are stored in the
Attribute Store
. In the simplest case the implementation
is to store in encrypted form locally to the wallet. This will be the starting point for
the implementation of DECODE. It is however possible that a
distributed storage
mechanism could be provided using a P2P protocol such as IPFS. This capability would
be exposed via the attribute store interface. The advantage of a distributed store are:
Resilience / backup
Access same data on multiple devices
Wallet itself need not have storage capabilities (can act purely as a crypto engine /
key manager)
A distributed store could take advantage of the existing P2P network of DECODE
validating nodes or be formed of a separate network, either an existing network or one
that is formed by DECODE participants.
Ledger Transactions
will be stored in the ledger node system, dependant on the
implementation of the ledger. Our privacy by design principles ensure that no private
data will be stored on the ledger. It is possible that encrypted data could be stored on the
IOT Data streams
IOT data represents a special case of data in that it is likely to involve
larger volumes of time series data. DECODE will continue to explore this space as it moves
into implementation. A key question will be how to leverage existing IOT data stores /
aggregators such as the AWS IOT. Following our principle of “Reuse don’t Re-Invent”,
one option is to provide tools that allow decode to be integrated as an entitlements and
access control mechanism over such existing aggregators and data stores. A more involved
option is for DECODE to provide a custom store (based on open source stack such as
Cassandra or Elastic Search). Elastic search for example already provides a mechanism
for Role Based Access Control (RBAC) which may provide a starting point.
The theme of data storage will continue to evolve and will be published via the whitepaper.
Validating Nodes
The integrity and resilience of the network is provided through a distributed network of
Validating nodes. One of the key architectural features of DECODE is that it separates
Figure 9: Decode Network Architecture
execution of logic (contracts) from the verification of that logic, which allows for privacy
aware execution.
The validating nodes are key to providing the integrity and availability of the DECODE
network. Therefore we build them from the ground up with a strong emphasis on verifia-
bility by basing them on the DECODE OS. Each node will also contain the distributed
ledger node and any other libraries and software that is required to participate in the DE-
CODE network. This is likely to include cryptographic functionality and P2P networking
capabilities to allow dynamic and evolving P2P networks to be formed. It is possible that
the P2P networking capabilities can come from the underlying ledger implementation, or
be augmented with custom protocols.
It is important to note that DECODE does not mandate that every participant host a
validating node. The minimum software you need access to in order to participate is a
DECODE Wallet.
A key research question for DECODE is how to cover the cost of computation for these
validating nodes? Who operates them? What are their motivations? The bottom line is
that it incurs a cost to purchase hardware and consume electricity. For example, Ethereum
has created a self sustaining network by offering a financial incentive to those nodes who
execute the transactions, which is a straightforward economic model.
DECODE seeks to explore alternative incentive models that do not involve direct financial
reward and this will be an ongoing initiative for the project. It looks to models that work
for the common good of citizens and will be exploring scenarios that move towards an
“economy of the commons” as opposed to the centralised concentration of wealth within a
few large organisations, which is the current dominant force in the data economy.
The wallet is the minimum component a person requires to interact with DECODE. Every
participant will have their own wallet. The wallet has several core functions:
Store securely cryptographic material (e.g. private keys)
Securely store Attribute based credentials, linked to private keys
Execute DECODE transactions (via Smart Rules) and submit them to the Ledger
for verification
Store, encrypted the participant’s attributes
Define and publish entitlement policies based on interactions with applications
Provide the participant with a graphical user interface that allows them to manage
their attributes, entitlements and applications.
Optionally a participant can push the cryptographic functions of the wallet onto a hardware
device, similar to Trezor, Ledger Nano from the blockchain world. A discussion of these
options is to be found in the hardware section.
We have identified two options for participants to obtain a wallet and begin interacting
with DECODE. This is a topic of research for the DECODE system and is likely to evolve
as we move into field testing with real communities of participants.
User experience
The wallet will be one of the primary interfaces between DECODE and the participant,
the other being the applications themselves. The wallet interface will be explored through
a user centric design process which will aim to provide a state of the art experience for
participants focused on transparency of who they have shared their data with. The Wallet
will also be the point at which a participant interacts with smart rules.
a) Download a Wallet
The wallet will be available as a standalone application that a participant can download
to their device (either laptop or mobile device). In combination with a hardware security
device this will form the maximum level of protection that a participant can achieve.
Whenever the participant must perform a cryptographically sensitive activity such as
signing a transaction, they will be redirected to their wallet to perform this.
a) Wallets Hosted by Operators
We recognise however that requiring participants to download software and engage with a
registration process may be a barrier to adoption. We plan to explore this through user
research and field experiments. With this in mind, the architecture of DECODE also
supports the concept of an hosted wal let.
DECODE intends to provide tools and documentation to allow
to host
wallets on behalf of their existing users. This is a low barrier to entry for an operator,
involving minimal integration whereby the operator maintains any existing authentication
mechanisms they have in place and links existing accounts to a DECODE wallet. It
also preserves any existing authentication structures the application may have, allowing
DECODE functionality to be added in a decoupled and safe manner.
It might be possible for 3rd Parties to create an online wallet hosting service, however we have yet to
explore the demand for this scenario.
To maintain the core values of DECODE however, a constraint of this scenario is that the
user must be aware and consciously agree to the connection between their account and
DECODE. Whilst the process itself maybe “1 click” for the user, the user journey must
include a “connect my account to DECODE” phase. The exact design guidelines for how
this is achieved will be developed on an ongoing basis.
There is a tradeoff with this scenario in that while it allows for lower barrier to adoption,
it also diminishes the true value of DECODE as a decentralised system. In this scenario,
the trust relationship has not been decentralised, i.e. the participant is still trusting the
operator as an organisation with all their data.
The ledger implementation
As part of the mission of DECODE, we present a distributed ledger implementation
( which has been designed deliberately with privacy and
scalability in mind and is fully aligned to the goals and principles of DECODE. The full
technical details of this implementation can be found within the Chainspace whitepaper
(George Danezis, 2017).
In summary, Chainspace provides a highly scalable, BFT fault tolerance ledger which
separates transaction execution from verification. In implementation it provides for this in
an entirely technology neutral and decoupled manner.
Chainspace contracts
can be written in any language and are composed of two asym-
metric but cryptographically related components. These are the contract and the checker.
The contract is responsible for executing the transaction, defining the constraints that are
required. The result of the execution of a contract is a proof which has no data from the
transaction but which can be cryptographically verified by the checker. The network of
Chainspace nodes are responsible for verifying transactions and publishing the verifications
as a blockchain. In implementation, Chainspace creates multiple blockchains, please see
the Chainspace whitepaper (George Danezis, 2017) for more details.
The architecture of DECODE, following the guiding principles of being modular and reusing
code, is not restricted to the implementation of Chainspace to provide the underlying
ledger capability. It is possible for example that with the cryptographic advances in
Solidity already mentioned, that it would be possible to build DECODE using any ledger
system that also incorporated the solidity VM, either Ethereum itself or for example, the
Hyperledger Burrow project from Monax.
As the project evolves alternatives will be explored and tested as they may solve for
different tradeoffs, these will be documented in the public whitepaper.
Smart rules engine
What we call “Smart Rules” in DECODE are a computable (Sober, 1978) sociolect
(Louwerse, 2004) that can be parsed into a semantic model referred to a finite ontology
Figure 10: Decode Overview
and executed by a distributed computing cluster. It is of central importance to grant
participants the access to such a language and clear understanding of what it expresses
and of the consequences of its execution.
The open nature of the smart rules is extremely important when compared to the popular-
ization of “sharing economies” that apply mostly unknown rules that are opaque to the
participants and undemocratically adjusted by third parties who are not participating in
the economy, but in most cases just profiting from it.
The DECODE project plans the development of a language for “smart rules” that is not
conceived to stay behind the scenes, but to be understood and modified: this a different
approach to data management rather than CRUD-type interaction, an approach that
is also necessitated by the distributed and write once immutable nature of blockchain
The underpinnings of the smart rules implementation are explained in-depth in the
forthcoming deliverable D3.3 “Data Privacy and Smart Language requirements, its initial
set of smart rules and related ontology”.
Operating system architecture
The DECODE OS is the base operating system running all software designed, developed
and deployed for the DECODE project. This operating system is based on the Devuan
GNU+Linux distribution, a fork of the now 20 years old Debian distribution, maintained
by the foundation and an open community of volunteers. Devuan forked Debian
to preserve the simplicity and minimalism of the SystemV tradition in UNIX systems, still
running modern software applications and inheriting the security patches from Debian.
The primary goal of the DECODE OS can be explained in brief by defining it as a
“controlled execution environment” where, from the making of its base to the execution of
every single application, all steps are recorded on a ledger of events that can be saved,
analysed and shipped along with every instance of the operating system. A secondary goal
of this development is that of making the results of such a recorded sequence of operations
DECODE’s implementation of a distributed computational system aims to be solid and fit
for mission critical purposes by leveraging well established standard practices in the UNIX
world. Contrary to the monolithic applications implementing blockchain functionalities
in a single runtime environment running in application space, our implementation of a
DECODE Node (Jill Irving, 2017) is a controlled execution environment unit for Smart
Rules grafted on the classic concept of a UNIX-like operating system, keeping POSIX.1b
and SystemV compatibility.
The DECODE OS is explained in depth in the project deliverable “First Release of the
DECODE OS” (I. J. Denis Roio, 2017).
Hardware Hubs
We use the term “Hub” to refer to any underlying compute infrastructure that can execute
either the wallet software or a validating node. In this sense a hub can be any one of the
Physical server or PC
A virtual machine in a public or private cloud infrastructure (e.g. AWS, Google Cloud,
A single board computer for e.g. OLinuxXIno Lime.
A smart card running limited cryptographic code
A mobile device such as a phone or tablet
This section provides a high level description of the requirements of the hardware, and a
section specifically around the use of hardware for improving security.
In general, a participant who has more control over the full stack execution environment
also has more control over the DECODE platform. Ultimately this is down to the hardware
level and DECODE aims to provide details of how a participant or an operator can operate
DECODE nodes that are entirely open source and auditable.
DECODE will support and explore a wide range of hardware software configurations,
following the principle of being open and modular. This will allow participants to customise
the level of security and control they adopt. There is a tradeoff between investment on
the part of the participant to purchase and configure hardware devices vs the extra level
of control and reduce need for trust of a third party.
A key principle is that DECODE should not mandate the use of custom hardware by
participants, in order to allow for greater adoption. It remains to be seen if participants
“vote with their feet” and choose hardware devices, once DECODE is operational.
We list five key requirements of the hardware hubs here:
Ability to run DECODE OS
Deployability and availability
Hardware security
Ability to run DECODE OS
The processor of the Hub must be able to run the DECODE OS. To assure compatibility
of a specific processor, it must be made a target of the DECODE OS SDK (I. J. Denis
Roio Vincenzo Nicosia, 2017). The DECODE OS SDK is modelled after the Devuan SDK
and supports all its architecture targets.
Additionally the following capabilities are required:
Network connectivity (either wireless or ethernet)
Processing power and memory to support:
cryptographic operations
embedded web server operations
execution of smart rules language
Local storage in the initial phases at least enough to store attributes
The exact requirements of these will be determined as the project moves forward. Different
configurations will have different requirements - for example there will be significantly
more minimum compute power required for a validating node than just running a single
wallet, which is should be possible to run on a mobile device.
One of the goals of the DECODE platform is to create a level playing field that enables
developers from all backgrounds to contribute to society by implementing innovative
applications and opening up new economical, technological and social values based on the
new infrastructure that DECODE will provide. To facilitate the participation of these
developers, all the elements of the DECODE architecture should be open source. For that
reason any device specifically designed to operate as a DECODE Hub should be open
source and compliant with the Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA). Schematics,
design files and documentation should be available for designers to build upon. DECODE
will encourage hardware designers to join their efforts in creating a more secure and open
Deployability and availability
Deployability is key to ensure the adoption and success of DECODE. Therefore, the Hub
must be easily available. The most available potential Hub is any commercial computer.
According to Barcelona data-sheet 20171 the Household ICT penetration is 88.3 in 2015
(% on population 16 to 74 years with a computer at home). Despite most of commercial
computers not being open source this is a viable alternative for promoting an early adoption.
For scenarios where an embedded device with a small form factor is required, low cost
open source single board computers (SBCs) are a good alternative for the DECODE Hub.
Hardware security
The need for privacy and confidentiality differ according to the use cases of the platform.
For instance, noise quality data requires less security than biometric health-centered data
that’s being sent to a physician. This requires encryption on many different levels. To
build trust in the platform, the DECODE hub needs to respond to the level of security
for each separate use case. Software-based security means that access conditions can be
hacked and logs can be tampered with. In addition, the data itself cannot be considered
secure if left unprotected on a regular PC.
For this reason the DECODE offers Participants the option to adopt hardware-based
security when a higher level of confidentiality is required. The interaction with these
security measures should be easy and effortless for the end-user.
Potential hardware security features for the Hub:
Multiple factor authentication:
The security protection provided by a single
authentication method, e.g. a password, have proved to be weak. To make access
conditions more secure, the system can ask for a multiple factor authentication. This
could be the combination of a password with some token that the user have (like an
RFID or BLE device) or biometric data like fingerprint readers or voice recognition.
Secure processors:
Secure microcontrollers with built-in cryptographic engines and
secure boot loader can guard against threats such as cryptanalysis intrusions, physical
tampering, and reverse engineering. These secure microcontrollers are equipped with
silicon-level anti-tampering features that allow to make them tamper resistant and to
provide tamper evidence. The security keys, used to run cryptographic algorithms,
need to be stored in a secure memory managed by a secure microcontroller and
should only be accessible by the secure microcontroller and not from the outside of
the memory.
Tamper avoidance:
Anti-intrusion sensors can be incorporated into the electrical
design to ensure someone tampering physically with the device would not have access
to any sensitive data.
Side channel attacks protection:
Side channel attacks consist in attacks based
on information gained from the physical implementation of a system, rather than
brute force or weaknesses in the algorithms. For example, timing information, power
consumption, electromagnetic leaks or even sound can provide an extra source of
information, which can be exploited to break the system. The first step to protect
against this types of threats is the reduction of the electromagnetic and sound
radiations. Other measures include random calculations and delays introduced
between normal operations and try to balance the power consumption of different
data values.
Access attempt detection:
Any attempt to access the system data remotely is
detected. If the access is illegitimate (unauthenticated, coming from an unknown IP
address, etc.), access is denied and in some cases data can be erased.
Decentralized transactions will be continuously being carried by the Node. This will result
in the Node using the network resources in an extensive manner. To reduce the latency
in the communication and to avoid bandwidth bottlenecks, a high speed Ethernet port
should be part of the specifications.
Keys and smart cards
The DECODE architecture will provide an authentication method to interact with the
system, as described, the main entry point will be via the Wallet.
Traditional authentication mechanisms consist in only one factor authentication like
a pin code or password. But password based security has proven to be insufficient
to prevent unauthorized access to websites, networks and hardware devices. For this
reason, users are now requiring multiple factor authentication, usually called 2FA for
Two-factor authentication, 3FA for Three-factor authentication, etc. By combining several
authentication factors, the authentication process is made more secure. Authentication
factors include:
Knowledge factors: The users needs to prove knowledge of a secret that only themselves
know. Typical secrets include passwords, PIN codes, answer to secret question etc.
Possession factors: An object that the user owns is used as a key to access the system.
Typically, objects used in authentication include passive or active tokens, smart card
chips packaged in a variety of form factors (key, token, ring, badge, etc.).
Inherent factors: something associated with the user, such as biometrics, are used
as a key to access the system. Examples include fingerprint readers, retina scanners,
voice recognition etc.
In order to make access more secure DECODE will optionally support hardware based
authentication with login tokens that provides 2FA via the U2F standard. The login
token can safeguard and manage digital keys for strong authentication and provide crypto
processing. These modules traditionally come in the form of a plug-in card or an external
device that can be attached directly to a DECODE Hub.
Open source examples for hardware security modules and login tokens:
Authentication keys:
Nitrokey is an USB key that enables high security encryption, signing of
data and login to the Web, networks and computers. Both Hardware and software
are Open Sourced.
U2F zero:
U2F Zero is a USB key that works with all services that support U2F. It
works for 2 factor authentication and sometimes password replacement. There is a
button on the key that the users press to authenticate themselves.
FST-01 (Flying stone):
This is a small 32 bit computer that comes in the shape
of a USB key
Hardware secure modules:
CrypTech Alpha:
“The CrypTech Alpha is an open source standalone prototype
key-storage and hardware cryptography platform.
Project PITCHFORK is a small dedicated computer for handling your
cryptographic operations and keys.
IoT connectivity
A core use-case for the DECODE project is to provide a set of tools to enable personal
IOT data to be securely managed.
Integrating with the plethora of IoT devices on the market is a non-trivial problem and
one that the DECODE project considers solving by :
Data from devices range from high level representations in JSON and
XML to a series of bytes. Normalisation is the process of transforming into a common,
open format. JSON-LD ( is an example of one such format.
Semantic Understanding
Once data is normalised it is important to understand the
meaning of the data. To add this understanding you could use an ontology such as the
M3-Lite (
An example of a tool that provides this approach is the device-hub software offered by
Thingful. The tool is available at
DECODE applications
What is a DECODE application?
A DECODE application is any software application capable of interacting with the
DECODE nodes, constituting the main endpoint for human interaction with DECODE.
A DECODE application is composed of several parts:
Systems external to DECODE such as websites, databases and mobile apps
Smart rules created by the application developer and deployed to the DECODE
network. These represent core contracts of the application
A DECODE account cryptographically controlled by the Operator of the application
which is linked to the application
A Profile which declares which attributes an application requires and their related
The systems which are external to DECODE will interact with DECODE via a Wallet
that is connected to the account of the operator. This will provide the ability to deploy
contracts and execute transactions.
As previously mentioned, applications will be able to query the ledger to obtain information
about transactions (see section “Distributed Ledgers”). Although at time of writing this
is still an evolving topic.
An important aspect of applications is that they should provide a high degree of trans-
parency as to who operates them, what data they will require / generate and for what
purpose. To this end, DECODE will require all applications to be registered in an ap-
plication register which will provide references to evidence concerning the operator. For
example, in the UK there is a public record of companies which can be referenced e.g.
DECODE will continue to explore and evolve the concepts around operators and their
trust relationship with participants. Please refer to the decode project website for the
latest news on how DECODE is being applied and tested in the field.
The range of applications for DECODE is wide. In order to bring together the concepts
presented here and illustrate how they work together in a more concrete way, we consider
here several applications as illustrative examples of the way in which the various DECODE
components interact to provide a service.
These are:
Participatory Democracy
Participatory Citizen Sensing (IoT)
Peer to peer verification of credentials
Digital commons and Open data
Example - participatory democracy through petitions
In this example a City Authority would like to allow citizens to participate more directly
in decision making. One way to do this is to provide support for Citizens to support
proposed initiatives through signing a petition. This example of course can be generalised
to any context in which a group of people wish to create a petition and is closely related
to an example where participants vote between choices, either as a Poll or a vote.
It is important to note that actual Legal voting is somewhat beyond the scope of DECODE
at this stage as it requires many more legal constraints, however it can be seen as a step
in that direction that exemplifies the use of cryptography and ledgers.
There are several important invariants for this system:
It should not be possible for any entity to be able to connect the real world identity
of a signatory of the petition to their signature
Any entity should be able to cryptographically verify the results of the petition (how
many signatories there were)
It should not be possible for a participant to sign the petition twice, or should be
possible to identify that two signatures are from the same account
A signatory must demonstrate cryptographic evidence that they are a legal resident
of the city
(5) It must be possible for a signatory to withdraw their support
It should be possible to gather demographic information (e.g. Age group) about the
signatories in a privacy preserving manner and only with their consent and awareness
The petition mechanism should be decentralised to avoid interference or subversion
by any single entity
The foundation for implementing this scenario in DECODE is that of Attribute Based
Credentials (ABC). As we have described previously, this mechanism allows that a
participant can obtain a credential issued by the city authority and cryptographically
linked to the participants private key, but without the participant being required to share
their private key with the council. This means that whilst the citizen must engage with
the authority in an exchange in order to obtain the credential, the council has no contact
with the account of the participant and so cannot later link the real world identity to the
signature satisfying (1); It is also possible when issuing the credential to provide a unique
token that can be used to satisfy (3).
The integrity and tamper resistance is provided by utilising a distributed ledger to verify
the results. The application of zero knowledge proofs provides us with a mechanism to
ensure that we do not need to store the credentials themselves (private data) on the ledger.
The core petition mechanism is an example of a “distributed application” this is in DECODE
terms a more tightly defined notion than for example in Ethereum. In DECODE it is a
“distributed application with levels of guarantee about privacy by design built in”.
The core of the implementation of the petition in DECODE is the Smart Rules which
describe the logic of the contract that implements the invariants above.
The execution of these smart rules are as described previously made of two cryptographically
bound parts, the contract and the verifier. The contract will execute in the wallet and
will cryptographically access the credential, confirm that this user has not voted twice and
that the credential is indeed provided by the relevant city authority (it is cryptographically
linked to a well-known and trusted public key of the city). And if all the invariants are met,
will construct a proof which can be stored on the ledger, linked to the contract instance
(the particular petition the participant is signing) to which it belongs. At this stage it
increments a counter in the contract to indicate the number of votes.
This proof is the “signature” of the participant. Given that the ledger has the list of proofs,
it is now possible for anyone to be able to cryptographically verify that those proofs were
in fact generated by someone in possession of the credentials indicating their residency,
and that they have executed the invariants in the contract which prevent them from voting
twice (2, 3).
We can also extend the contract such that at the same time as incrementing a counter for
the number of signatures, we also increment various counters for aggregate statistics, for
example age range. Because the contract is executed within the control of the participant
(inside their wallet), they choose whether or not to provide this data. Depending on the
circumstances, it may or may not be mandatory to also increment the age range counter.
In any case, this needs to be clearly communicated to the participant during the process of
signing (as discussed in the user experience section of wallets). Another important privacy
by design principle here is that only the information required is transmitted. For example
an alternate implementation would be to send (or worse record) the participant’s data of
birth to be used to calculate the age range.
By employing the combination of ABC, a privacy preserving ledger (does not contain any
private data) and zero knowledge proofs, DECODE is able to satisfy the key invariants
outlined and provide a robust and provable engine that will give authority to any petition
that is recorded, robust enough to meet the stringent demands of a city authority engaged
in participatory democracy. As noted, to be able to conduct a formal legal vote is beyond
this scope as it requires considerably more controls around physical voting devices for
example, however, its possible to see that with the application of hardware described
previously DECODE takes a step in that direction.
Signing petitions or voting is not limited to participatory democracy. It is in fact a very
common activity amongst any group and will have wide-ranging utility to community
movements and organisations. For example UNICEF have successfully developed a
community project called Ureport which does exactly this and enables communities to
have a voice.
Example - participatory citizen sensing (IoT entitlements)
Noise pollution is an issue for a number of citizens living in particularly noisy areas, such
as, large public squares where activities take place. In these areas there is higher than
average participation in citizens setting up IoT devices that measure noise. In this example,
an involved citizen is interested in the correlation between health data (sleep patterns)
and the levels of noise pollution in the area.
It is important to note that this example, integrates entitlements across public and sensitive
personal data. In this context, private, personal and sensitive personal data can be defined
as follows
Private Data: In information science, this refers to data that is considered private,
but may not may not be related to a physical person.
Personal Data: Any information related to a natural person or ‘Data Subject’, that
can be used to directly or indirectly identify the person. (EU, n.d.)
Sensitive personal: Personal data consisting of information on the racial or ethnic
origin of the data subject, political opinions, religious beliefs etc. (EU, n.d.)
Several cities include IoT devices that measure pollution levels (including noise) and
publish this data in an open an accessible format. Sentilo is an example of an open source
sensor and actuator platform designed to fit in the City architecture, in several cities such
data is freely and openly accessible.
Individual citizens regularly measure and gather data from wearable devices such as
activity, sleep, blood pressure, and heart rate etc. Terrabytes of IoT data from personal
wearable devices currently live in closed data silos which are not amenable to contributing
to a Digital Commons dataset. Combining both private and public data in this context,
can lead to new insights about citizens habits and correlations. DECODE provides a
privacy aware solution to establishing this union of data sets, giving people the ability to
control the visibility of their personal data.
In this example, DECODE will be used as a smart rule based data entitlements engine for
IoT data streams. Within DECODE, a complete and normalised ontology for the IoT data
will be provided by the IoT connector. This maps all data coming from external sensor
devices to an ontology known to DECODE. With privacy in mind, a user’s preferences on
data sharing policies are captured and translated to a smart rule language.
The smart rules enable setting data entitlements below (as a prototype)
owner-only - the data is not discoverable or accessible and is essentially private.
can-discover - the data is discoverable and will be made available for search. The
data is not accessible.
can-access - the data is accessible and by default discoverable.
To qualify the terms used above: - discoverable - the existence of the data can be found.
- accessible - the value of the data can be viewed. For the data to be accessible it is of
course discoverable.
Based on the user’s preferences and the ontology of the IoT data being processed by
DECODE, entitlements rules to access this data are added to the attributes on the data.
DECODE stores three types of data in this scenario
Meta-data about the devices connected to DECODE
Entitlements store
Transactional data on the ownership of the data
Device registry (a registry of devices that are known to DECODE and interact with
the system)
Within DECODE, this continues to be a topic of research and evolution. IoT data is
currently both fragmented and siloed, with the application of user interfaces that easily and
transparently allow users to add/remove/change entitlements on their IoT data, DECODE
will enable IoT data to be used to share IoT data in privacy preserving way.
Example - peer to peer identity and reputation verification
There has been rapid growth in the sharing economy in the last decade. The presence of
several large online platforms such as Airbnb and has enabled more people to engage in
sharing resources available to them. A core driving factor in this fast growing economy is
trust, and is one of the biggest concerns of using sharing economy platforms.
Sharing economy companies are beginning to understand the importance of that trust. In
a peer-to-peer marketplace, verifying user identity increases trust, and from there users
begins to build their online reputations. Identity verification is currently implemented via
third parties undertaking the process of conducting identity and background checks on
the users of the platform. Concerns have been raised that the Verified ID model disrupts
privacy. Criticism is also spread to the reliance on social networks, which opens up issues of
surveillance, identity theft and fake identity use. This presents a use case for a peer to peer
identity and reputation verification. In this example, DECODE is used as a decentralised
platform that enables users to anonymously and securely verify the identity of other users
in their community.
The core implementation of P2P verification in DECODE relies on a group of people
acting as a decentralised Issuer within the context of ABC.
An unverified user submits a ‘claim’ for an identity verification into the system, for
example, this could be a claim that ‘User X is a resident of block 10, Nicholson street,
A smart contract is created for this claim, and this is submitted into DECODE.
Existing verified users (or nominated administrators) are notified of this claim, and
they can anonymously verify the claim, based on their location or association with
the claimant via other applications.
When a consensus is reached on the results of the claim contract, the transaction is
deemed complete and the user making the claim is then promoted to a verified user.
The claimant is issued with attribute based credential certificate to denote that they
are a verified user.
There is potential for using various DECODE enabled applications for the verification
of separate identity attributes and reputation credentials. This moves away from using
a centralised issuing party for credential checking, this provides users the privacy and
control of their data.
This is an area of research both within DECODE and among the blockchain community.
Findings in ‘Designing To Facilitate Genuine Accommodation Sharing: Identity and
Reputation Verification’ (Leonaviciute, 2016) particularly in the area of accommodation
sharing have shown that relying only on software based solutions is not enough. There
was a strong demand for community based design decisions, such as approaching networks
of friends or neighborhoods for identity and reputation verification.
Example - digital commons and open data
The latest years have seen a rise of movements demanding transparency of data in
general, and specially in the domain of public administrations. Citizens and companies
are increasingly asking for datasets to be released in the form of Open Data, so they can
be shared and reused. These datasets, however, usually provide a general broad picture
but should be combined with other crowd-sourced pools of data and also with private data
in order to fully leverage their potential.
DECODE in this sense can help, by providing a platform where an application to view
public data and generate custom visualizations of it, in relation to each user’s private
information, can be developed. Also, it can help in providing a platform allowing a
controlled crowd-sourcing of data, thus enabling the idea of Digital Commons to go beyond
the simple concept of Open Data. The earlier examples of IoT entitlements or of a petition
system that allows to disclose general information about the voters are two concrete
examples of this.
A detailed example could be a dashboard that mixes public data sources as well as
crowd-sources one. There, each user can generate visualizations that put their profiles
in contrast with the general “public trends”, thus obtaining unique information of their
private information in a controlled way (which would be loaded on the client side). The
configuration of each dashboard could be shared with peers so each person gets their own
vision, and even the private data in it could also selectively be shared with the proper
entitlements. Such an application would on the one hand effectively use a mix of public,
private and crowd-sourced data for the common good, and on the other hand exemplify
and induce the need to users to “donate” their data to generate Digital Commons that
allow to tackle societal problems such as pollution and other citizen concerns.
This paper has presented the architecture for the DECODE project, and innovative
proposal for a decentralised application framework that focuses specifically on data privacy
and entitlements. It combines state of the art cryptographic techniques and evolves the
concepts found in distributed ledgers to contribute to the growing need for people to have
more control of who has access to their data and more transparency over who is using it
and for what purpose.
We have demonstrated the core components of the architecture and the principles and
foundational concepts on which it is built, completing the picture with illustrative examples
of how DECODE can be applied to real world scenarios.
The DECODE project is specifically target to applying the latest innovations in technology
to the good of citizens and furthering a socially beneficial agenda as opposed to the
centralisation and exploitation of individuals through their data that is rife in the modern
The ongoing evolution of the architecture will be documented via a set of public whitepapers
that will be published on the DECODE website.
DECODE Glossary
An account is the software construct within decode that provides control of attributes and
represents either the Participant, Operator or Attribute verifier in any decode transaction.
The account will ultimately relate to some cryptographic construct such as private / public
key pair. Attributes will be related to and controlled by an account. An account will be
able to submit transactions to the ledger.
All data which is in DECODE are attributes. All attributes have the potential to
demonstrate Provenance.
Attribute provenance
Meta-data related to an attribute that relates it to an ontology. All attributes must
specify a link to an ontology. We may also consider optionally adding other meta-data to
attributes that for example describes the source of the attribute data.
Attribute Provenance Verification
A cryptographic demonstration of the validity of the provenance of an attribute. A key
property of provenance is that it should be possible to demonstrate provenance without
revealing any connection back to the decode account and hence all the other attributes
related to it, thus preserving privacy of the participant. The assumed mechanism for this
is via some implementation of Zero Knowledge Proofs. All provenance verification must
be cryptographically relatable back to an account within DECODE.
Attribute vault
Process running in the DECODE OS. Allows to control access to the attribute data.
Attribute verifier
An entity which has the credentials / authority to verify the provenance of an attribute.
The expression of this verification will be through cryptographic form which will then
be associated with the attribute owned by a participant. e.g. Participant Alice has the
attribute “resident of city X” which is related to some cryptographic evidence that this
claim is true, traceable back to some authoritative source of city X. An attribute verifier
will require an account in order to be able to create this verification. The entity who is
the attribute verifier may act also act as an operator at the same time. Further, attribute
verification and the subsequent use of that verification may happen within the same
application. The authenticity of the verifier may itself be verified by its own attributes.
Attribute Verification
Synonym: Attribute Provenance Verification
A type of distributed ledger that records transactions in a sequence of “blocks”
Organisation or individual who is responsible for the build, deployment and operation of an
application. Operators may also own and control attributes via an account within decode.
Operators may also create new attributes that are then associated with participants. The
minimum requirements of eligibility for an operator to deploy an application to the decode
platform require further discussion as the platform evolves. Taking into account a general
desire for greater transparency to the participant of the organisations with whom they are
interacting and sharing data.
DECODE Architecture
The internal architecture of DECODE, node anatomy, communications between nodes,
components that are used to build DECODE.
DECODE Ecosystem
The environment in which DECODE operates, involving other systems, pilots, organisations,
open source communities. We can consider various specific ecosystems for example the
“Sharing economy” ecosystem which may have different characteristics.
DECODE Platform
Software with a high degree of privacy by design that provides the core functionality of
DECODE. For example, DECODE OS, Distributed Ledger, device metadata. (Priya
Samuel, 2017) (Jill Irving, 2017)
DECODE Application
A DECODE application is a domain specific software application which will leverage the
DECODE platform. Some part of this application may be a website and it is anticipated
that some element of the application will involve definition and deployment of Smart Rules,
Profile definitions and Ontology meta data.
The SDK is a development kit for modules developed and distributed by other consortium
partners. It can be used to build, test and profile individual software applications on top
of the DECODE OS, both locally and remotely on the continous integration infrastructure.
(I. J. Denis Roio Vincenzo Nicosia, 2017)
Controlled execution environment where the DECODE Hub runs. Decentralized transac-
tions will be continuously being carried by the Node. (Ernesto E. Lopez, 2017)
The DECODE Hub is the hardware component of the DECODE architecture. The Hub
is any device on which the DECODE OS is installed. It provides connectivity to IoT
devices, connects to other DECODE nodes and supports the DECODE OS. As any other
component of the DECODE architecture, the Hub needs to follow the values of openness,
security, scalability, deployability and flexibility. (Ernesto E. Lopez, 2017)
The DECODE OS is the base operating system running all software designed, developed
and deployed for the DECODE project (I. J. Denis Roio, 2017). The DECODE OS is a
blend of Devuan OS, with DECODE specific packages included within it.
The DECODE Core is a process that acts as a co-ordinator for different components of
DECODE (Application Smart Rule engines, IOT Connector, Attribute Vault, Ledger
Distributed Ledger
A consensus of replicated, shared, and synchronized digital data geographically spread
across multiple sites, countries, or institutions. There is no central administrator or
centralised data storage.
It describe which Participant’s attribute can view or have access to another attribute.
IOT Connector
Previous Term: Device Hub. Maps IoT data coming from external sensor devices to an
ontology known to DECODE.
Ledger Connector
Allows the processes part of DECODE Core to interface with the Distributed Ledger.
Ledger Node
This term is derived from the Bitcoin concept of a node. Bitcoin is a widely known
cryptocurrency based on blockchain that organizes nodes in a peer-to-peer (P2P) network;
any node can join and become part of the network. If a node receives new information, it
broadcasts it to rest of the network. While all nodes listen to and broadcast information,
only special nodes can append information to the blockchain. (Mustafa Al-Bassam, 2017)
Metadata service
The metadata service is responsible for maintaining an index of discoverable data and
their locations, displaying any data that is accessible, allow a user to make an entitlement
request to access data that is not yet accessible. (deVilliers, 2017)
Node Host
This refers to an (online) service provider hosting nodes on behalf of participants.
In computer science and information science, an ontology is a formal naming and definition
of the types, properties, and interrelationships of the entities that really or fundamentally
exist for a particular domain of discourse. It is thus a practical application of philosophical
ontology, with a taxonomy. Specifically in information science terminology, an ontology is
a referenceable “schema” which describes the attribute. As raised, we need to be careful
this does not become too restrictive. There is a wider discussion around this from the
device hub work. While all attributes require a definition, registering changes to ontologies
is an open process. Some governance / structure will be needed (to be discussed later).
We will also need to consider evolution of ontologies over time.
An individual who digitally participates in the DECODE ecosystem. Participation occurs
by interacting with an application. participants own and control attributes via their
Relates to the set of attributes which are required application to run. There are as many
profiles as there are Applications. It is application specific as to whether the attributes
need to be verified. A Profile may also declare attributes that it will generate and then be
associated with an account, for example browsing behaviour, favorites, reccommendations.
Smart Contract
A computer protocol intended to facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance
of a contract.
Smart Rule engine
Process running in the DECODE OS. It is part of the Application and runs the Application
Smart Rules.
Smart Rule
They are Application specific functions that take attributes (or objects) and create
SSO (Single Sign On)
It is a property of access control of multiple related, yet independent, software systems.
With this property, a user logs in with a single ID and password to gain access to a
connected system or systems without using different usernames or passwords.
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